Husn al-Akhlaq

“Husn al-Akhlaq” holds significant importance to our Holy Prophet ﷺ

How we interact verbally, physically, and morally/ethically with our fellow human beings is central to our faith. It is a virtue to follow the example of the Prophet ﷺ in exhibiting excellent moral character.

The Prophet ﷺ came to elevate humanity from a state resembling animals, characterized by needs such as eating, drinking, sleeping, excreting, mating…to a higher moral and ethical standard.

May Allah grant us the ability to embody “Husn al-Akhlaq” and grant us the ability to follow Him ﷺ Ameen

Allah’s most Beloved, Rasool Allah ﷺ, who was already complete continued to make this dua :

“Ya Allah guide me to the most beautiful character traits, no one guides to the most beautiful ones but You, & divert me from the ugly character traits, no one diverts from the ugly character traits but You, Ameen”


Natasha-Syed Gulrez Akhtar Qadri Mujaddidi Naqshbandi